Visit North Zealand Smiling North Zealand
Danmarks Riviera Hornbæk - HELSINGØR
Welcome to North Zealand - Copenhagen's green front and The Danish Riviera North Zealand and the kings playground
The National Park of the Kings of North Zealand was formally established on 29 January 2018 as the National Park of the Kings of North Zealand
Kulturhuset Helsingør |
Visit north Zealand offers idyllic coastal towns, attractions sights and castles, Hamlets Castle, museums Louisiana and green landscapes, information on accommodation, beach hotels, events & arts, restaurants and eateries, shopping, etc. Get inspiration for your next vacation, whether you want to relax on a beautiful beach along the Danish Riviera or be active in nature.
Visit north Sealand and Elsinore Tourist Office is open all year. The tourist office is located in the new building & quot; Kultur yard & quot;, & nbsp; centrally located in relation to the city center and cultural harbor with the cultural yard, M / S Museum for Maritime and Kronborg as a neighbor.
Helsingør turistinformation Allegade 2
3000 Helsingør
phone: 49 28 36 20
Phone: 49 21 13 33
Elsinore Tourist Information Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 17:00
At Kulturværftens reception you can download leaflets about Kulturhavnen, M/S Museum For Søfart, Kronborg Castle and Elsinore's many other attractions.
Here are city maps and suggestions for city walks on their own, but also brochures about Nordsjælland's other attractions.
Get free all VisitNorthZealand's brochures, incl. a big North Zealand map. There is free access to computer and wireless network (Wi-Fi) living..
When you are in Helsingør, we can recommend "Elsinore City Walk" where we designate 10 MUST SEE attraktions in Elsinore City
Contact Visitnordsjælland
North Zealand National Park
 | Tibirke Bakker |
Tibirke Bakker is an unusual area for Zealand, consisting of moraine pastures, which have later been covered by airborne sand. The vegetation is mainly heather, crackling and grasses, with scattered groups of pines and oaks.
East of Tisvilde Fence lies Tibirke Bakker. Rich people and artists bought land in Tibirke Bakker in the early 19th century because they were captivated by the beauty of the area.
Experience, among other things, polar explorer Knud Rasmussens House, the old fishing village of Kikhavn, the ghost forest, Heatherhill, Gilleleje, Hornbaek plantation, Hellebaek and Elsinore.
Landscape and castles
The landscape between Elsinore over Gribskov to Tisvildeleje, Liseleje, Gilleleje and down to Furesøen consists of agricultural areas, large forests and lakes - as well as the dune coast and wide sandy beaches.
From the Middle Ages there are remains of several castle buildings and monasteries in, among other things, Asserbo,Gurre, Esrum, Ebelholt and Dronningholm at Arrenæs. The landscape is in many places characterized by memories from the time when North Zealand was a hunting ground For the Danish kings.
Fredensborg Slot and Frederiksborg Slot is listed in the period when the hunt was a significant operating area in the royal house.
Kronborg Palace or Hamlets Castle Elsinore is listed in order to guard the entry to Øresund.
The area is particularly suitable for cycling. There is a close network of cycle paths, most of which started as employment projects during World War II.
Maritime museum and Kronborg
M/S Museet for Søfart |
If you can not see M/S Maritim museum? Then you're not the first one. For the award-winning iconic museum, designed by the world-renowned Danish architect Bjarke Ingels, lies below the surface of the earth. Then look down!
M/S Since the opening of 2013, Museum For Maritime has been one of the most popular museums nationally and internationally.
The museum, designed by the Danish star architect Bjarke Ingels, is located in Helsingør Shipyard's old dry dock, which has been preserved as a historic monument to industrialism.
We cooperate internationally with and nationally with We see great potential in a stronger promotion of our many North Sealand attractions , Kronborg - Hamlet, our historical past during the Sunday, - the annual recurring event " Sound Due Market in Elsinore ", and more aggressive promotion of"National Park of the Kings of North Zealand " and ours companies.
Find tourist associations in North Zealand here on the page